Saturday, March 26, 2016

Lighter- than- Air Chocolate Cake

I learned this recipe when we first moved to South Florida.  I may work in some darker chocolate one of these days....

11 oz. Semi-sweet chocolate
2/3 C Butter
6 large eggs, separated
2/3 C Sugar

            Line a 9” springform pan with buttered wax paper.  In a pan, melt the Chocolate with the butter over low heat, cool.  Beat yolks for about one minute.  Slowly add sugar.  Beat until thick and lemon colored.  Beat egg whites until they just begin to peak.  Add cooled chocolate to egg yolk mixture, blending thoroughly.  Fold this gently into the whites.  Pour into pan.  Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.  Cool half an hour before turning out of pan.

            Serve at room temperature with homemade whipped cream.  Yummmmmmm!

Chiffon Cake

Simple, light, made from ingredients which are normally already in the pantry, what's not to love?  I can't remember where I first found this recipe, but I seem remember making it way back when we lived in Germany and had one kiddo, so it's been a while!  I used to ride my bicycle, with little Nathaniel in the kiddie seat on the back, to the Post library at Möhringen Kaserne, where we lived, and I would check cookbooks out to try new recipes.  Good times....

Friday, March 11, 2016

Wanita's Marinade for Grilled Chicken

This recipe is as simple as it gets.  I got it from a friend in Pennsylvania who had to translate the ancient hand-written copy handed down the generations in her family.  She substituted butter for the margarine and decided that the vinegar called for must be white vinegar, since that's all anybody used back then.  She also wisely chose to allow the marinade to cool before pouring it over the chicken.  I'm adding to the quantity of chicken, since this goes pretty far.  For the overnight bit, you may keep it in a covered bowl or put it all into a couple of gallon-size zip-closure bags.

As far as grilling instructions go-- you're on your own.  When we had a gas grill we cooked this over a nice low flame to avoid burning it outside before it cooked through to the inside.  I'm now struggling to re-learn using a charcoal grill.  I think "patience" must be key....

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sauce Bolognese

This sauce is the reason I don't order Bolognese when we eat out.  It's my absolute favorite.  If the world ran out of pasta, I'd eat it as a soup.

From Trattoria Cooking, by Biba Caggiano